Green Shimmer Spectre ZX12 We talked a little while ago I have the white with green shimmer zx12 you posted on your face book page. I’m doing a new build and doing a powder coated frame swingarm and wheels in lime green. I’m wanting to put the green...
Kameleon Guitar Paint That was done with your Green to Orange Copper Kameleon Pearls ® PWP4739CS over a black base. If you would like a testimonial you may use the following; As a custom finisher of high end guitars I can appreciate quality materials. I have through...
Kustom paint Jobs on Guitars and GSXR First yellow guitar is a mix of candy black and yellow..second one is the candy cinnamon over dark brown guitar was the orange pearl with a minor bit of flake…gsxr bike is a mix of base spectre...
SoCal VW bug It really is a SoCal paint job … It only looks at its best in sunshine … And over here in the Netherlands it’s only sunny for a few weeks every year. All the pearl products used on the paint job are from Kandypearls and that’s...
Kustom Kameleon trike 4739OR Hey guys, This is the result of using your product. Go ahead and post it on your web site if you think it would be good enough. Application went easy, quick set up with only 2 coats before I did the clear coat. Regards, Bob J. DeGroot PS:...
1978 Ford F-150 Kustom Paint Here are some pics of 1978 f-150, orange paint, orange copper, gold spectre pearl, clear. Looks fantastic, lot’s of compliments, thanks for all your help. Not bad for 1st. paint job, next will be much better. –TB We at...
Electric Blue Corvette Looking Dark I’ve been using your pearls for several years, I’m a total amateur at painting but I have a small handful of paint jobs under my belt, here’s a pic of my latest one. Black base coat, electric blue pearl under two...
Rat Fink Guitar from Naked Body Guitars Hey Matt. Dawn from Naked Body Guitars. Just wanted to send you a few shots of the completed Limetreuse Sparkle Bass project I finished for my client. I also wanted to inquire if you had a close up photo of the Peacock flakes as...
Gold Spectre Honda Here are some pictures of my son’s car, a 1989 Honda CRX I painted with a basecoat of red and two coats of shimmer gold pearl. The car looks great and gives it a creamsicle flip in color in the sunlight, I’ll be back for more of your products....
Pearl White Harley I used a white base coat followed by 3 coats of your white shimmer pearl, then two clear coats, and then 3 coats of your Blue Hue pearl, then 2 clear coats. Bike came out Awesome. Pictures do not do it justice. Will be buying your pearls from now...
Route 66 Harley with Pearls Well its finally done… just in time for my ride from Texas to Calif and back, via the way of Route 66. The attached photos are my first paint job – this is a 1994 HD FLSTN that is set up as a FatBoy. The materials I used where the...
Silver Platinum Spectre Pearl on Jet Boat All of the airbrush work has red wine candy pigment, electric blue candy and platinum pearl mixed w/ Dupont paints. Silver platinum spectre pearl mixed in clearcoat w/ no knockdown! thank you so much for providing great...
This Metal Flake Super-Bike was painted with our Green Holographic I ordered your holographic green flake last year for my last motorcycle and loved the results! So I’m back for more…. We at Kandypearls appreciate all of our customers who take the time to...
Cadillac Seville Kustom paint Job Hey, this is my 2003 Cadillac Seville SLS….thanks to you I think it looks awesome. We used a mixture of your blue pearls, along with your gunmetal pearl, and a hint of your midnight blue flake. It gives that black to blue, to...
Dreamsicle Chrysler 300c I am sending you pictures of my 2006 Chrysler 300c. it was painted using ford competition orange with your gold pearl and Chrysler cool vanilla white, with white pearl laid on top of it. This car has won many car shows, and was even featured...
1971 Monte Carlo Pink Pearl Additives Hi, I used a few of your pink additives in my custom paint on my custom 1971 Monte Carlo… We got the paint done on it in early Feb 2009… Since then, My Monte has been featured in a mini-poster and will be featured in...
Yellow Metallic Paint Trike with Metal Flake and Spectre Pearl Here is my completed trike using your pearl, flakes and spectre pearl. I used all yellow tints over black primer. We at Kandypearls appreciate all of our customers who take the time to send us pictures and...
Get a more subtle Kameleon look by adding half of the recommended amounts… I have just ordered another $140 worth of pearls, and would like to thank Paint with Pearl for the good product. I have painted a number of projects with the paint and everything has...
Gold Kandy Pearl on Drum Check out this wooden drum topped off with Gold Kandy Pearl! You can see the wood grain right through. We at Kandypearls appreciate all of our customers who take the time to send us pictures and feedback on all of our products. Our Kandy...